Getting Through a Challenging Time
Every once and a while, we meet someone who is trying to work through something. Something that seems so surreal, none of us can even think about going through. This something in particular, I cannot disclose, however, I can tell you that it is nothing like any story I've heard before. When someone is forced into a situation, beyond their control and they have to literally make a life or death decision, in a split second, their life and their families lives are forever changed.
When we met, it was through a mutual friend, and they just stopped by the booth just to say hello. After speaking with them, and telling them what our brand was about and what and why we do what we do, they seemed to "get it" and walked away with smiles and I'm guessing a different outlook on certain things.
Well, my guess was right. A few weeks after our meeting, we got a very touching e mail from them, explaining the situation, and how speaking with us helped change their mentality. In life, to put it bluntly, for whatever reason, "shit happens"...some things that happen are far more worse than other things. Some things we are forced into with no other option. Things you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. Things that will replay in your head over and over and haunt you for a lifetime. It's how you handle these emotions and get through them is what matters most.
You NEED to feel the pain, go through the struggles, and cry with sadness and anger. But you must also understand that, once you've done enough of all that, you have to learn from those things, evaluate them, and eventually move on; change your mentality.
What I can tell you is that these wonderful people, we can see are moving forward with their lives, sporting Fukitt gear, just about every day! Simple reminders actually DO help you get through things. That's why we do what we do. Remind people to live their lives without regret. We're not saying be a heartless, emotionless person and not care! Of course, hate certain things that went on in your life, whether they were in or beyond your control, that's normal, everyone hates certain things that have happened to them in their lives. But do not regret them!
Like I said before, learn from them, experience the situations, and grow. I personally hate a lot of things that I went through in my life, but I do not regret them. They lead me to where I am today, and today I am a much happier person, healthier person and smarter person. Accept challenges worth the risk; yes, exactly that! WORTH the risk! We're not saying go rob a bank...clearly, that's not worth the risk!
But let's say you're in a job you hate that's going no where. I'm not saying quit and wait to see if you find a better job, but maybe put that resume out there, go on some interviews and see if something better shows up. Think you deserve a raise? Well, the answer is always going to be "no" if you never ask. You will regret never asking. So what if the answer is "no", at least you have an answer! Always wanted to sing? Go try out for The Voice! Why not! Get rejected, who cares! Learn from it! Because if you never try, you'll be filled with regret, the "what ifs". In a bad relationship? You have NOTHING to lose except yourself, your entire self! Prince or Princess Charming is out there waiting for you; they may not be around the next corner, and that's fine, find yourself and enjoy happiness, learn and grow.
So whatever you may be going through, like the ones I'm talking about here, they are trying to live life without regret. What happened happened, and cannot be undone. (I personally would have done the same thing and applaud them for their courage and strength). The challenge worth the risk, they too have accepted. The risk is not living their lives. That's the challenge. They have to move on and do what gives them strength and what they are passionate about. They are and will continue to go through certain things, but moving on and learning and inspiring others is a wonderful thing.
Embrace the pain so you can experience the joys in life...A simple reminder when you need it is really our mission, whether it's a hat or shirt with a specific quote, put that shit on and give yourself a pat on the back, pick yourself up by the bootstraps and go conquer the day!
-- Kristen Zulueta